I approach my leadership in teaching and learning with commitment, expertise and dedication. My key skill sets include:

  • a unique ability to unite a team and develop a focussed approach to the strategic and operational requirements of the work group;
  • a detailed understanding of teaching and learning particularly within a multi-campus, multi-mode university;
  • analytical and critical thinking skills to identify areas requiring action and problem-solving skills to develop solutions that are viable, achievable and responsive to the future learning needs of students;
  • an ability to develop strategies for improvement and to lead staff through the change required to achieve those strategies; and
  • personal skills that allow me to work within, and across, faculties and divisions to develop agreement and commitment for the actions required.
Activity Description
WIL Strategy

The development of a Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment Work Integrated Learning strategy that ensures work placements are core to every undergraduate course and are focussed on developing the employability of graduates.

WIL Facilitator

Invited keynote and workshop facilitator leading the development of WIL thinking across the Science Higher Education curriculum in Western Australia (workshops at Curtin, UWA, and Edith Cowan).

Lead Investigator

Lead investigator in the Australian Council of Deans of Science (ACDS) Lighthouse project titled “Learning to work, working to learn – building practice capability for WIL” which contributed to the national agenda describing Work Integrated Learning (WIL) in Australian universities including presenting outcomes of the project to the ACDS at their national meeting.

Project Investigator

Project Investigator to the project “WIL in Science: Leadership for WIL” sponsored by the Chief Scientist of Australia that successfully initiated a national movement to shift practice towards improved employability for science graduates.

Lead Investigator

A lead investigator of the research team for “Successful WIL in Science”, a project funded by the National Office of Teaching and Learning that identified strategies to build the capacity and capability of science academics to use WIL to improve the employability of science graduates.

Curriculum Facilitator

Leader for the Faculty implementation of Deakin’s Course Enhancement process (2012 – 2015) including the development of strategic directions, change leadership, management of the Learning Support team, and funding to implement the enhancement process.








©  Malcolm Campbell, 2020

Malcolm Campbell

Malcolm is the former Deputy Dean and Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning) in the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment at Deakin University, Australia. He held the position of ADTL from 2003 through to 2019 and Deputy Dean from 2012 to 2020. In these roles he led the Faculty in developing teaching and learning outcomes for students and staff and enhancing the curriculum.

Email: malcolm553@gmail.com

Phone: +61409 188 577