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Competition Rules 2025
  1. Malcolm Campbell is the nominated Coordinator of the competition and the administrator of the competition website.

  2. Players must be financial to play ($25 up-front fee). Please note that you will need to pay your entry fee via EFT only. Electronic transfer is the preferred mode of payment. Details are:
    • Name: M D Campbell
    • BSB: 063245
    • Account: 00140136
    • Reference: Your name

  3. Players are to select the winning team for each game in the current round.

  4. You cannot select a draw as a game outcome.

  5. All selections are to be made by accessing the competition website.

  6. Selections are to be made before the commencement of first game of each round. The website will close at the AFL designated start time of the first game for that round. Please note that the website time is determined by the web server clock which may be different from your clock.

  7. Players who do not submit an entry for a given round will be awarded all the away teams as their selection. They will also be ineligible for a weekly prize should all the away teams win.

  8. The selections as recorded in the Footy Tipping database will be taken as the players selections for that round. Mistakes in keying in an entry form are the responsibility of the player and are not subject to change.

  9. One point is given for each correct selection.

  10. A drawn game does not score any points.

  11. A weekly prize will go to players who select the winners of every game in a round. If more than one player selects all the winners then the prize will be divided. Note that drawn games count as a loss.

  12. Payout of a weekly prize will only occur if the prize per player is $10 or greater. Prize amounts will be rounded down to whole dollars. If four players split $50 they will each receive $12 rather than the more accurate $12.50.

  13. If no player correctly selects all round winners, the weekly prize will jackpot.

  14. End of season prizes will be given to the leading tipsters. 1st, 2nd & 3rd prizes are guaranteed and any further prizes will be given at the discretion of the coordinator.

  15. The magnitude and number of prizes is dependent on the number of players.

  16. Details of the size and number of prizes will be announced after all entry fees have been collected.

  17. All prizes will be distributed via EFT. EFT details are not kept. If you are a prize winner, you will be contacted and asked for your EFT details.
  18. Any difficulties or enquiries regarding using the website are to be made to Malcolm Campbell via : malcolm.campbell@deakin.edu.au

  19. The coordinator will make every effort to be fair to all participants and any decision made by the coordinator is final.


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